In relation to my self development, in order to pursue my art career after graduation I have began to consider how my work is presented from my portfolios, to my larger scale exhibition work down to my stand allows loose items.
The first section I began to consider in relation to presentation was my portfolio, this task was easy to undertake as I have always had a rather organised portfolio, which is easy for outside viewers and other artists to understand. Therefore, my portfolio is a vital tool in understanding my work, thought process in relation to my creations and the journey I took in order to get to my outcome.
My portfolio includes the following things
> Contact sheets containing a range of my own photographs
> Artists research
> Initial sketches
> A range of completed compositions accompanied by annotation
My portfolio can be shown as a physical item if that is desired but it can also be presented in a digital way through my instagram, this website and even through specific requirements wanted by each individual such as a JPEG file, powerpoint presentation etc... Having my work on multiple platforms allows me the ease and ability to apply for many different jobs, courses and many more.
Once I had considered my portfolio, I began to concentrate on my larger scale work and how this can be presented to future employers, institutes and galleries etc... this was a complex task as each scenario may ask for specific formats such as replications of the work on a smaller scale, high quality photographic evidence of the work or they may require the work itself.
In order to accomplish the criteria that others may want from me, I have photographic evidence of all of my work, I have produced multiple digital compositions that can be printed off in a range of different sizes from small scale up to large scale and I keep all of my physical work in safe places in order for them to be protected against getting damaged.
Larger scale work such a paintings, drawings, prints and digital illustrations can be transported up to A1 size as I have a file that can house these creations, in order to present my work in a professional manner to people in the future.
Below are a few examples of my digital work that have been constructed from physical abstract mono-prints being scanned in digitally, then drawings have been applied over the top of them in order to create an array bold, striking and visually intriguing compositions. This work is not only highly effective in my opinion it is easily accessible and producible, which is key when selling work, creating multiple pieces for galleries and employers etc... this is due to the scale of the work being able to be changed easily, affordable to reproduce, multiple versions of one composition being created at one time.
