During my first year of university I created an social media platform on instagram that solely focuses on my creative work, this account allows me to present my work to a range of different people within the art world and those who just appreciate looking at art. This type of account has allowed me to get the opinions of others, this is extremely valuable in my opinion because the people that view my work on Instagram could very well be the next buyers of a piece of artwork.
I believe by keeping an account that is dedicated to my creative journey not only allows others to see my progression it also enables me to look back at idea, concepts and techniques that I have tried which possibly could spark an idea for future work.
Below are just a couple of screen shots that demonstrate the variety of work I have created throughout my three years at university as well as showing the linear format in which I choose to present my work.

Overall I am really pleased with the aesthetics and content contained within my instagram account, it gives me a focus to keep on producing work that I can show to other like minded individuals as well as it enabling me to project my work to people in other countries that would of never been able to view my art without the use of a social media account.