Final Statement
My three years at the University of Chester studying Fine art has ignited a new creative outlook with a specific passion for abstraction and the distortion of imagery this can be seen in a lot of my work, but it has been most significant and successful in my final year exhibition series. I have decided to combine both representational imagery that has a Pop art aesthetic and contains an array of hidden symbolisms, this has enabled me to work in playful express manner as well as emphases my original concept of memories.
Throughout this creative journey I have been influenced by many art movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Surrealism, Russian Constructivism and so on. The most significant movement that has inspired my third-year creative practice has been Pop Art due to it clearly links with my use of two-dimensional imagery that has a vibrant graphical nature, contains commercial elements and is often visually sticking.
I have chosen to complete my experimental work in a range of mediums throughout this year from mono-printing, to complex tonal drawings and digital mix media compositions etc… I have toughly enjoyed refining and exploring new skills as it has allowed me to create a dynamic and versatile portfolio of visual work that has expanded my visual language.
Beyond my practical work I have also learnt some valuable skills and gained a range of information through participating in an interview process, listening to guest lectures and presenting work not only within the university but in a public space (car park.) These experiences have allowed me to consider the future trajectory of my artistic endeavours, which consist of returning to university after a year of developing my artistic skills in a working world environment. When I do return to study a master, I am considering the possibilities of continuing my fine art journey verses exploring a different create discipline for example: interior design, graphic design, illustration and many more. This decision will be extremely hard to make as I am interested in all forms of artistic expression and a year in artistic job will allow me to consider where my passion and future aspirations truly lie.
In conjunction to my future goals AD6110 has help me to see how I can progress forward through the interaction with people that are in the creative industry. The most significant person in my experience was Jenni Greenwood as I relate to many of the points, she had brought up during her PowerPoint presentation. Some of these points consisted of working hard and realising that anything your passionate about will never be a 9 to 5 job, it will be something that take a lot of work to achieve your desired outcome.
After considering my year as a whole I have come to a realization at this moment in time I have a strong interest towards both teaching and tattooing, I learnt that I will have to complete a portfolio in order to obtain a tattoo apprenticeship, whereas teaching is a much more formal process of going to interviews through schools direct and then entering into a PGCE course. Overall, I am determined to continue my artistic endeavours and look forward to what the future has to hold especially with all of the valuable skills I have gained from the University of Chester.